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Foulds School


Welcome to Foulds
Building a community of life long learners.


At Foulds we want our children to be resilient risk takers who are well rounded and part of the community. We aim to support our children to become principled, independent and reflective lifelong learners.

We want every child to leave our school the best possible version of themselves.

Our children have a balanced curriculum to ensure that they have opportunities to explore and excel.


For more, please click on the 'Vision and Values' tab..


Resilience: we are ambitious, determined risk-takers.

Respect: we value and listen to everybody as individuals.

Teamwork: we all work together and support each other to build our community. 

Self-belief: we are brave, we are reflective, we try our best.

Kindness: we are thoughtful, understanding and care about ourselves and others. 

Responsibility: we are honest, take responsibility for our learning and the choices we make.




Leaders have thought carefully about what pupils should learn and when. They have designed an aspirational curriculum that goes beyond the expectations of the national curriculum in every subject. It is carefully sequenced across all subjects. The school’s curricular thinking builds logically from Reception. Staff training, and subject-specific development is made a priority. Subject leaders make sure they are up to date with best practice. Expectations of all pupils including those with SEND are exceptionally high.


Teachers continuously assess pupils’ understanding, which informs them of what and how to teach next. They routinely check what pupils know and remember. Teaching builds on pupils’ prior learning very carefully. For example, in geography pupils deepen their knowledge and understanding of rivers over time. This helped pupils in Years 5 and 6 understand about the roles of the River Thames.


Leaders have made sure that reading is a priority. All staff receive regular training and deliver the reading programme consistently and with confidence. Pupils who have fallen behind catch up quickly. Books that pupils read match their phonic level. Pupils routinely use their phonics strategies to decode unknown words. The assessment processes in place are extremely thorough. This enables staff to identify gaps in individual pupils’ knowledge. All staff promote the love of reading. A range of engaging books are shared with pupils daily. Staff encourage pupils to take home books regularly.

 Staff know how to identify pupils’ needs. They work with outside agencies effectively to best support pupils with SEND. Staff are expertly guided in adapting learning for pupils to access the full curriculum.



Pupils’ behaviour across the school is excellent. Pupils concentrate on their learning with enthusiasm. They engage positively in lessons and do not disrupt learning for others in their class. Pupils have very positive attitudes to their learning. Pupils’ attendance is high. Leaders work closely with families to make sure their children are at school every day and on time.



School leaders go beyond the expected to prepare pupils for life in modern Britain. Their work on developing pupils’ character is exemplary. Pupils are strongly encouraged to contribute to the life of the whole school. They can apply and get voted to be on the ecocommittee, house or sports captains. Staff teach pupils about the importance of fundamental British Values.



All leaders, including governors, make sure that staff are consulted with whenever there are any changes. Staff feel looked after and valued. Their workload is always being considered. They love working here and are fully committed to the pupils and their families.